Loading Scripts Dynamically In Jquery Mobile
At first, I loaded all of my scripts in the header (even when the scripts weren't needed when the page was being loaded).I found this website that partially explained how to load scripts when the page loads. However, Jquery Mobile needs to use the delegate function to load the script when a page is showing.
I copied the function from the website above:
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype){Now, you need to add code to the top of the data-role="page" where you want the script to load:
if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file
var fileref=document.createElement("link")
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet")
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css")
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename)
if (typeof fileref!="undefined")
$(document).delegate('#page', 'pageshow', function() {
loadjscssfile("your.css", "css")
loadjscssfile("your.js", "js")