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NULL values excluded from NOT IN - SQLAlchemy+SQLite

Solution: AND column IS NOT NULL

Example: query.filter(or_(~self.column.in_(value), self.column == None))

This thread explains "SQL Server in treating NULL as a value":

Guide To Syncing Fork With Original Project

From my fork, I ran these commands:

  1. git remote add upstream
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git merge upstream/master
  4. git push
Create new branch and sync with upstream (change the bolded text):
  1. git remote add upstream
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git checkout -b issue_xxxx upstream/master

Configuring Notepad++ For Python

On the Settings->"Preferences", "Tab Settings" tab, I set "[Default]" at Tab size: 8, uncheck Replace by space; and set "Python" to uncheck Use default value, Tab size: 4, check Replace by space. This causes inserts into a python source to use 4 spaces for indents, and indent with spaces instead of tabs. 
If I end up with any tabs in the source, I use Edit->Blank Operations->TAB to Space to convert them. I also clean up trailing blanks with Edit->Blank Operations->Trim Trailing Space. 
I install and use the pep8 package to verify standard formatting.

Redirecting From Within Helper Functions - Flask