You'll need to have used virtualenv to appreciate this.
Basically, you create virtual environments with "mkvirtualenv" and they're stored in a central location. When you want to switch to your virtual environment, you use the "workon" command.
You can also create a postactivate script that loads environmental variables when you switch to your virtual environment.
I was getting this error while using the POST /venues method of the meetup API.
The error seems to happen when you duplicate the address of another venue. I was able to add the venue, but when I tried to add it a second time - I would get this error.
I ended up getting the list of venues and trying to find a match first.
The error message looks like this: {u'status': {u'http_code': 200}, u'contents': {u'error': {u'error_type': u'Application Key Error', u'error_message': u'Please provide your Application Key in the URL as "?app_key=<APP_KEY>".'}}}
After a few hours of trying to get past the Eventbrite API's "Application Key Error". I finally figured out that I needed to switch my request URL from: "" to: ""