16 Jun 2013 IFNULL(`field1`, `field2`) That returns field1 if it's not null. However, it will return field2 if it is null.
16 Jun 2013 If your INNER join is returning too few values and duplicates, you're probably using the wrong kind of join. Try a LEFT join. INNER JOIN is the same as JOIN http://i.stack.imgur.com/GbJ7N.png (diagram explaining joins)LEFT JOIN is used - this will return ALL rows from Table1, regardless of whether or not there is a matching row in Table2. 16 Jun 2013 I just brought 4 queries from 15 seconds to less than 1 second by adding indexes to the columns in the ON() portion on the join. Indexes help... A lot.15 Jun 2013 Set public $responsiveCss = false; to public $responsiveCss = true;13 Jun 2013 http://mahmudahsan.wordpress.com/2008/08/27/mysql-the-group_concat-function/ This seems like it will be super useful. If you're using "group by" and you still want to get data out of the grouped rows, then you can use this to combine multiple rows into a single row.13 Jun 2013 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1951690/php-how-to-loop-through-a-associative-array-and-get-the-key-name This was totally not very intuitive. I was expecting something like this: foreach($array as $sub) { echo(key($sub)); } Instead, it's this: foreach ($decodedOutput as $key => $value) { echo $key; }03 Jun 2013 grep -rl "search_for_this_string" /var/www31 May 2013 PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHPObject($value)->format("m/d/y")19 May 2013 http://www.jansipke.nl/python-soap-client-with-suds/ That article was very helpful for learning to use Python's SUDS library for consuming soap web services. Here's an example of my simple client: from suds.client import Client client = Client("http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/API/Info.asmx?WSDL") client.service.getInfo("05/12/2013","05/12/2013") "05/12/2013" and "05/12/2013" are both parameters11 May 2013 CRUD -Create -Read -Update -Delete An example of a CRUD application would be something that tracks orders in a database. All 4 actions are going to be necessary to track those orders. CRUD: The basic database operations.